(12 промежуточных версий не показаны.) |
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- | {{Остатье
| + | #redirect [[:ej:Шуафат]] |
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- | {{НП-Израиль
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- | |статус = Район Иерусалима - лагерь беженцев
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- | |русское название = Шуафат
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- | |оригинальное название = {{lang-he|שועפאט}}<br />{{lang-ar|شعفاط}}
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- | [[Image:Shuafat2.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Шуафат, вид с юга]] | + | |
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- | |lat_deg = 31 |lat_min = 48 |lat_sec = 55
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- | |CoordAddon = type:city(35000)_region:IL
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- | |CoordScale =
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- | |округ = Иерусалимский
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- | '''Шу'фат''' ({{Lang-аr | شعفاط}}), а также ''Шуафат'' и ''Ша'фат'' - арабский район [[Восточный Иерусалим|восточного Иерусалима]], находящийся на северо-востоке [[Иерусалим]]а.<ref name=Kershner>{{cite news|title=Under a Divided City, Evidence of a Once United One|author=Isabel Kershner|date=June 5, 2007|url=http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/05/world/middleeast/05jerusalem.html?pagewanted=all|accessdate=2008-01-29 | work=The New York Times}}</ref> Расположен на старой дороге [[Иерусалим]] - [[Рамалла]] примерно в трех милях к северу от [[Старый город (Иерусалим) |Старого Города]]. Население Шуафата 35000 жителей.
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- | ''Лагерь беженцев Шуафат'', созданный в 1966 году, был расположен на традиционных землях города Шуафат. Шуафат граничит с [[Писгат Зеев]] и [[Бейт-Ханина]] на севере, с лагерем беженцев Шуафат на востоке, [[Французская горка|Французской горкой]] на юге и [[Рамат-Шломо]] на западе.<ref name=jpost1/><ref name=IrAmim>{{cite web|title=Jerusalem Neighborhood Profile: Shuafat Refugee Camp|publisher=Ir Amim|url=http://www.ir-amim.org.il/Eng/_Uploads/dbsAttachedFiles/ShuafatRefugeeCampEng(1).doc|month=August | year=2006|accessdate=2008-02-01|format=DOC}}</ref>
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- | == История ==
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- | [[File:LghtRailShuafat3.jpg|thumb|right|250px|[[Иерусалимский трамвай]] в Шуафате]]
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- | [[File:LghtRailShuafat1.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Шуафатская дорога]]
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- | Шуафат упоминается в источниках примерно с 2000 г. до н.э. Место было известно [[Ханаанеи|ханаанеям]] и [[Крестоносцы|крестоносцам]] как ''Дерсофат''.<ref name=Shahinp334>{{книга |автор = Мариам Шахин|часть = |заглавие = Палестина: путеводитель|оригинал = Palestine: A Guide|ссылка = |ответственный = |издание = |место = |издательство = Interlink Books|год = 2005|том = |pages = 334|allpages = |серия = |isbn = 1-56656-557-X |тираж = }}</ref><ref name=Pringle>{{книга |автор = Денис Прингл|часть = |заглавие = Секулярные здания в Иерусалимском королевстве крестоносцев: археологические исследования |оригинал = Secular Buildings in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: An Archaeological|ссылка = http://books.google.ca/books?id=-_NbE5obqRMC&pg=PA94&dq=dersophath|ответственный = |издание = |место = |издательство = Cambridge University Press|год = 1997|том = |pages = 94|allpages = |серия = |isbn = 0-521-46010-7|тираж = }}</ref>
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- | Библейская идентификации включает [[Гебим]], деревню на севере Иерусалима, жители которой бежали от приближающегося [[Ассирия|ассирийской]] армии, по сведениям [[Книга пророка Исайи|книги пророка Исайи]],<ref name=Eerdmans>{{книга |автор = |часть = |заглавие = Ирдмановский словарь Библии |оригинал = Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible|ссылка = http://books.google.ca/books?id=qRtUqxkB7wkC&pg=PA487&dq=shuafat|ответственный = |издание = |место = |издательство = Wm. B. Eerdmans|год = 2000|том = |pages = 487|allpages = |серия = |isbn = 0-8028-2400-5|тираж = }}</ref> [[Мицпе-Биньямин]]<ref name=Conder3>C. R. Conder, ''Survey of Western Palestine'', Vol. III (1883) pp13-14.</ref> и [[Ноб, Израиль|Ноб]].<ref>C. Geikie, ''The Holy Land and the Bible'' (1887), pp158–159.</ref>
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- | [[Телль-эль-Фуль]] на окраине района, как полагают, был столицей [[Израильское царство|древнего Израиля]] при [[Шауль (Саул), царь|царе Шауле]], известной как [[Гиват Шауль]]<ref>Discovering the World of the Bible By LaMar C. Berrett</ref> Король [[Иордания|Иордании]][[Хусейн бен Талал|Хусейн]] и построили здесь [[Королевский дворец, Телль-эль-Фуль|дворец]].
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- | Шуафат был местом периодического проживания людей, минимум с 2000 до н.э.,<ref name=Shahinp334/> и ряд древних артефактов были обнаружены там, в том числе остатки строения [[Крестовые походы|крестоносцев]] в центре деревня, которое, возможно, было церковью.<ref name=Pringle/>
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- | После [[Археология|археологических]] раскопок 1991 г. в Шуафате, которыми руководили Александр Онн и Цви Гринхут, остатки комнаты были датированы II веком до н.э. и были определены как молитвенная комната или синагога, что делает её одной из старейших когда-либо найденных. Тем не менее, другие учёные не смогли идентифицировать объект, и его идентификация продолжает быть предметом дискуссии.<ref>The Book of Acts in Its Palestinian Setting By Richard Bauckham</ref><ref>The Cambridge History of Judaism: The late Roman-Rabbinic period By William David Davies, Louis Finkelstein, Steven T. Katz</ref><ref>The ancient synagogue from its origins to 200 C.E.: a source book By Anders Runesson, Donald D. Binder, Birger Olsson</ref><ref>[http://www.diatheke.org/Synagogue/index.php The Ancient Synagogue: "Birthplace of Two World Religions"]</ref>
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- | Во время [[Археология|спасательных археологических раскопок]] возле лагеря беженцев Шуафат в рамках подготовки к прокладке трассы для [[Иерусалимский трамвай|иерусалимского трамвая]] были найдены остатки древнего римского поселения, датированные началом Римской империи. Поселок был описан как «сложные сообщество, безупречно спланированное римскими властями, со стройными рядами домов и двумя прекрасными общественными банями на севере".
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- | Находки были расценены как первый признак активного еврейского поселенчества в районе Иерусалима после того, как [[Осада Иерусалима (70)|город пал в 70 г. н.э.]] Основным признаком того, что поселение было еврейским, является набор каменных сосудов, найденных там. Такие сосуды, для хранения продуктов питания и обслуживания, использовались только евреями, потому что они считали, что в них не проникает нечистота. Археологи считают, что каменные бассейны, обнаруженныеи на этом месте, использовались для хранения пепла из разрушенного [[Храм]]а.<ref name=Kershner/><ref name=Haaretz>{{cite web|title=Shuafat dig reveals first sign of Jewish life after destruction of Second Temple|author=Amiram Barkat|url=http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShArt.jhtml?itemNo=664903|date=2 January 2006|accessdate=2008-02-01}}</ref>
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- | Local legend holds that the modern settlement was established several hundred years ago by immigrants from the [[Hejaz]].<ref name="BHCC">[http://www.beithanina.org/en/bh/about_bh.html Beit Hanina Community Center]</ref><ref>[http://www.jerusalem.muni.il/jer_sys/picture/atarim/site_form_atar_eng.asp?site_id=2289&pic_cat=4&icon_cat=6&york_cat=9&type_id=197]</ref>
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- | In 1596, the village contained 8 Muslim families and paid taxes on wheat, barley, vineyards and other agricultural produce.<ref>{{Citation|last1=Hütteroth|first1=Wolf-Dieter|first2=Kamal|last2=Abdulfattah|year=1977|title=Historical Geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the Late 16th Century|publisher=Erlanger Geographische Arbeiten, Sonderband 5. Erlangen, Germany: Vorstand der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft|page=120}}</ref> In 1883 it was described as follows: "A small village, standing on a flat spur immediately west of the watershed, surrounded with olive-trees. It has wells to the north. There is a sacred chapel of Sultan Ibrahim in the village."<ref name=Conder3/> The census of 1931 recorded 539 Muslims living there.<ref>Census of Palestine 1931. Population of Villages, Towns, and Administrative Areas (1932), p43</ref>
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- | The town of Shuafat was to be the most northernmost point of the [[Corpus separatum (Jerusalem)|''corpus separatum'' proposed in 1947 for Jerusalem and its surrounding villages]], which "in view of its association with three world religions" was to be "accorded special and separate treatment from the rest of Palestine and should be placed under effective United Nations control".<ref name=Waart>{{cite book|title=Dynamics of Self-Determination in Palestine: Protection of Peoples As a|author=Paul Jacob Ignatius Maria de Waart|page=216|year=1994|publisher=BRILL|isbn=90-04-08286-7|url=http://books.google.ca/books?id=8bfkImTG1MgC&pg=PA216&dq=accorded+special+and+separate+treatment+from+the+rest+of+Palestine+and+should+be+placed+under+effective+United+Nations+control}}</ref>
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- | During the [[1948 Arab–Israeli War]] [[Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni]] attempted to lead the village's residents in an attack against the neighboring Jewish village of [[Neve Yaakov]]. The villagers refused anything less than a full conquest of Neve Yaakov lest their village suffer a reprisal from the Jews. In April, the Jewish [[Palmach]] captured the village in the course of [[Operation Yevusi]] and expelled the inhabitants. The Palmach began demolishing buildings, but ultimately withdrew following a battle at the [[Tomb of Samuel]]. On 13 May, the villagers were again expelled, this time by order of the Transjordanian [[Arab Legion]], which was preparing for an invasion through the area.<ref>{{cite book
| + | |
- | |author=Benny Morris
| + | |
- | |title=The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947–1949
| + | |
- | |publisher=Cambridge University Press
| + | |
- | |year=1987
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- | |pages=]
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- | |isbn=978-0-521-33889-9}}</ref>
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- | After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Shuafat was occupied by [[Jordan]], which subsequently, in April 1950, unilaterally declared it had [[Jordanian occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem|annexed the West Bank and East Jerusalem]]. Construction of the Shuafat refugee camp began in 1964 by the UN, to alleviate the crowded conditions in the [[Askar (camp)|Askar camp]].<ref>Meron Benvenisti, ''Jerusalem: The Torn City,'' Isratypeset, 1976, p.69</ref> Construction was completed in 1966. Upon completion, the [[International Committee of the Red Cross|Red Cross]], on orders of [[King Hussein]], transferred the Arab refugees, originally from [[Ashkelon]] and West Jerusalem, who had settled in the hovels of the burnt out [[Jewish Quarter (Jerusalem)|Jewish Quarter of the Old City]] of Jerusalem, to the camp.<ref>[http://www.eastsidestory.ps/pdf-files/18BeyondTheWalEng18.doc Beyond the Wall, Ir Amim Report, January 2007]</ref><ref>Doson, Nandita and Sabbah, Abdul Wahad (editors) ''Stories from our Mothers'' (2010). ISBN 978-0-9956136-3-0{{Please check ISBN|reason=Check digit (0) does not correspond to calculated figure.}}. Pages 18/19. describes 500 people being moved from the Jewish Quarter/''Harat al-Sharaf''.</ref> According to David Bedein, the wholesale transfer was ordered because Jordan intended to undertake an Arab-style renovation of the Jewish Quarter, but the plan became obsolete when in the aftermath of the 1967 [[Six Day War]], the West Bank and East Jerusalem were occupied by Israel.<ref>http://israelbehindthenews.com/Oct-13-98.htm</ref>
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- | The town of Shuafat and the refugee camp were subsequently annexed by Israel into the municipal area of Jerusalem.<ref name=Kershner/> Residents of Shuafat were offered Israeli citizenship, but most refused it, considering themselves to be illegally occupied, though many accepted permanent residency status instead.<ref name=Kershner/>
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- | == Today ==
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- | According to Isabel Kershner of the [[New York Times]], Shuafat, like most of the other Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem, suffers from an absence of municipal planning, overcrowding, and potholed roads.<ref name=Kershner/>
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- | The Shuafat refugee camp is the only [[Palestinian refugee camp]] located inside Jerusalem or any other Israeli-administered area. While its residents carry Jerusalem identity cards, which theoretically grants them most of the same privileges and rights as regular Israelis, the camp itself is largely serviced by the [[United Nations Relief and Works Agency]], even though 40 - 50% of the camp's population are not registered refugees. The [[Israeli West Bank barrier]] was partially constructed between the camp and the rest of Shuafat and Jerusalem, so while some health services are provided by Israeli clinics in the camp, in general the Israeli presence in the refugee camp is limited to checkpoints controlling entry and exit and [[Israel Border Police]] incursions. The camp also suffers from high crime, since [[Israel Police|Israeli Police]] rarely enter due to security concerns, while the [[Palestinian Civil Police Force|Palestinian Police]] are prohibited from entering the Israeli-administered municipality. In addition, unlike other UN-run refugee camps, residents of Shuafat refugee camp pay taxes to the Israeli authorities.<ref name=jpost1>{{cite web|title=New checkpoint opened at entrance to Shuafat|publisher=[[The Jerusalem Post]]|url=http://www.jpost.com/NationalNews/Article.aspx?id=249148|month=December | year=2011|accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref name=IrAmin>{{cite web|title=Jerusalem Neighborhood Profile: Shuafat Refugee Camp|publisher=[[Ir Amim]]|url=http://www.ir-amim.org.il/Eng/_Uploads/dbsAttachedFiles/ShuafatRefugeeCampEng(1).doc|month=August | year=2006|accessdate=2008-02-01|format=DOC}}</ref>
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- | In 2007 Prime Minister [[Ehud Olmert]] questioned whether the annexation of areas like Shuafat into the Jerusalem area was necessary.<ref name=Ynet>{{cite web|title=Olmert hints at possible concessions in Jerusalem|date=October 15, 2007|accessdate=2008-02-01|publisher=[[Ynet]]|url=http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3460183,00.html}}</ref> The Israeli initiative to transfer control of the area to the [[Palestinian National Authority]] split the Shuafats, with a camp official coming out in favor of finally being under Palestinian sovereignty, while the neighborhood's [[mukhtar]] rejected the plan citing his residents' participation in Israeli elections as well as the danger of [[Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel]]<ref name=jpost2>{{cite web|title=Shuafat area residents split over plan to divide Jerusalem in two|publisher=[[The Jerusalem Post]]|url=http://www.jpost.com/Features/Article.aspx?id=79115|month=October | year=2007|accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref>
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- | In a survey conducted as part of the research for the book ''Negotiating Jerusalem'' (2000), it was reported that 59% of Israeli Jews supported redefining the borders of the city of Jerusalem so as to exclude Arab settlements such as Shuafat, in order to ensure a "Jewish majority" in Jerusalem.<ref name=Segal>{{cite book|title=Negotiating Jerusalem|author=Jerome M. Segal|year=2000|publisher=SUNY Press|page=127|isbn=0-7914-4537-2|url=http://books.google.ca/books?id=fK80bHmpXSUC&pg=PA127&dq=shuafat#PPA127,M1}}</ref>
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- | In July 2001, the Israeli authorities destroyed 14 homes under construction in Shuafat on the orders of then mayor [[Ehud Olmert]], who said the structures were built without procuring permits. No one was yet living in them.<ref>[http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/violence-flares-in-jerusalem-as-israeli-bulldozers-destroy-dozen-illegal-homes-677285.html Violence flares in Jerusalem as Israeli bulldozers destroy dozen 'illegal' homes]</ref> The families acknowledged they do not own the land they built on, but believed they had permission to build there from Islamic Trust religious authorities. Olmert told Israeli radio that it been designated "green area" and public land - and that the Palestinian presence posed a security threat to a Jewish suburb nearby. It is claimed that it is nearly impossible for Palestinians to get a permit and that these demolitions are part of a campaign to reduce the Arab population of Jerusalem.<ref name=LATimes>{{cite news|title=Israel Razes 14 Arab Homes at Refugee Camp|author=Tracy Wilkinson|date=July 10, 2001|page=in print edition A-4|url=http://articles.latimes.com/2001/jul/10/news/mn-20441|accessdate=2008-09-07 | work=Los Angeles Times}}</ref>
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- | Recently however the Sorbonne scholar Prof. Sylvaine Bulle has cited the Shuafat refugee camp for its urban renewal dynamic, seeing it as an example of a creative adaptation to the fragmented space of the camps towards creating what she calls a bricolage city, with businesses relocating from east Jerusalem there and new investment in commercial projects.<ref>[http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1030932.html Esther Zandberg, 'Their Shoafat outshines her Paris,' Haaretz 26/10/2008]</ref>
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- | == Транспорт ==
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- | {{Иерусалимский скоростной трамвай}}
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- | Three stations of the First 'Red' Line of the [[Jerusalem Light Rail]] are situated in Shuafat: Shuafat North, Shuafat Central and Shuafat South.<ref>[http://www.citypass.co.il/english/FirstLine4E.aspx Stations]</ref><ref>{{Citation
| + | |
- | | title = The Jerusalem Light Rail Map
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- | | url = http://www.citypass.co.il/english/FirstLine3bigmappE.htm
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- | | journal = Citypass
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- | | accessdate = 2009-11-08
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- | }}</ref>
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- | The neighbourhood’s [[Main Street]], Shuafat Road, was previously part of [[Highway 60 (Israel)|route 60]]. In the 1990s a new route was built to the east of the neighbourhood, a dual carriageway with 3 lines in each direction, relieving [[traffic congestion]] along the road.
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- | == См. также ==
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- | * [[Восточный Иерусалим]]
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- | * [[Список мест в Иерусалиме]]
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- | {{commonscat|Shuafat}}
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- | == Источники и ссылки ==
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- | * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuafat Статья "Shuafat" в английском разделе Википедии]
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- | * [http://israelbehindthenews.com/Oct-13-98.htm Why is the Shuafat Refugee Camp Seething?]
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- | * [http://www.unrwa.org/tags.php?tag_id=42 Shu'fat], articles from [[УНРА|UNWRA]]
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- | {{Районы Иерусалима}}
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- | == Примечания ==
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- | {{reflist|2}}
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- | [[Категория:Иерусалим]]
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- | [[Category:Археология в Израиле]]
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- | [[Category:География Израиля]]
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- | [[Category:Палестинские беженцы]]
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